Stemcell Proteomics 102.100.100/29714

Stemcell Proteomics 102.100.100/29714

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Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member
Sequence Data Type proteomics
analytical_platform DIA mass spec
archive_ingestion_date 2017-05-19
bpa_dataset_id 102.100.100/52069
cell_type Endothelial cell
contextual_data_submission_date 2016-03-14
data_generated 2017-05-19
data_type .raw files
date_of_transfer 2017-05-19
description David Elliot lab Proteomics samples - Raw
disease_state Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
facility MBPF
folder_name 20170518_MBPF_BPA_SC_P16_0064_Exp2
growth_protocol EGM2-V
labelling Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
omics Proteomics
other_protein_sequences GFP tag exon 1 NKX2-5
passage_number passage 12
replicate_group_id D4#55_replicate2
research_group David Elliot
sample_description BMPR2 Knockout
sample_id 102.100.100/29714
sample_name 27
sample_submission_date 2016-03-14
sample_type Cell pellet
species Homo sapiens
stem_cell_line PSC - Mesendoderm (cardiac differentation)
stem_cell_state Directed differentation
submitter Elizabeth Ling
ticket BPAOPS-187
total_samples 16