Black-footed rock-wallaby, Conservation, exon capture, ear epithelium

Macropodidae, Petrogale lateralis, DEC01503, marsupial, Project Lead: Sally Potter | Mark Eldridge

Dataset size is: 2.17 GiB

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Additional Info Show Blank Fields

Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:archive_ingestion_date:365:omg-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2021-09-23
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-shortread
access_rights location information restricted
ala_specimen_url NA
ancillary_notes T2623
archive_ingestion_date 2020-09-23
associated_media NA
barcode_id NA
birth_date unknown
bpa_dataset_id 102.100.100/52634
bpa_library_id 102.100.100/55991
bpa_sample_id 102.100.100/360603
bpa_work_order 40068
class Mammalia
collection_date 2012
collection_method soft-sided box trap
collector Craig Pentland | Natasha Moore | DBCA
collector_sample_id MEL 268/119
common_name Black-footed rock-wallaby
coord_uncertainty_metres NA
country Australia
custodian Kym Ottewell | DBCA
data_custodian Sally Potter | Mark Eldridge
data_generated 2020-09-23
data_type Illumina FASTQ
date_of_transfer 2020-09-23
ddrad_data yes
ddrad_dataset_ids 52651
death_date unknown
description Novaseq 6000 WGS Blackfooted rock wallaby 52634
dna_conc_ng_ul 40.0
dna_extracted_by Shelley McArthur | DBCA
dna_extraction_date 2014-05-14
dna_extraction_method TNES salt extraction
exon_capture_data yes
exon_capture_dataset_ids 52631.0
experimental_design Whole genome resequencing: DNA sheared, adapters ligated, dual indexed
facility brf
facility_sample_id 55991_HVC7KDMXX_AGGTACC
family Macropodidae
flowcell_id HVC7KDMXX
folder_name A00548_114_AMacDonald_52634_Black_footed_rock_wallaby_gDNA
genome_data yes
genome_dataset_ids 52634.0
genus Petrogale
habitat unknown
identified_by Craig Pentland | Natasha Moore
institution_name Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
library_comments library ng/µL for 200-1000 bp range
library_location ANU EBL
library_ng_ul 23.1841652661
library_pcr_cycles 12
library_pcr_reps 2.0
library_prep_date 2020-08-31
library_prep_method Meyer and Kircher protocol
library_prepared_by Anna MacDonald
library_status Submitted for sequencing
library_type exon capture
life_stage not determined
location_text Wheatbelt, Nangeen Hill
n_libraries_pooled 50
omg_project Conservation
order Diprotodontia
p5_library_index_id 03
p5_library_index_sequence CCTAGGT
p7_library_index_id 17.0
p7_library_index_sequence AGGTACC
phylum Chordata
prior_genetics unknown
sample_quality good
sample_submission_date 2020-09-23
sequence_length 150bp PE
sequencing_facility BRF
sequencing_platform Illumina NovaSeq S2 300 cycle
sex not determined
software_version unknown
source_population unknown
species lateralis
state_or_region Western Australia
subspecies_or_variant lateralis
taxon_id 172273
taxonomic_group marsupial
ticket BPAOPS-958
tissue_collection Mammal
tissue_number DEC01503
tissue_preservation ethanol
tissue_type ear epithelium
trace_lab no
type_status unknown
voucher_number no voucher
voucher_or_tissue_number DEC01503
wild_captive wild