Marine Microbes Amplicons 16S 102.100.100/57886 BJT3V

Balls Head, 16S MiSeq

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:archive_ingestion_date:90:am-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2018-03-06
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-amplicons
am_environment Marine
amplicon 16S
analytical_platform MiSeq
archive_ingestion_date 2017-12-06
average_host_abundance (%) -9999.0
bioplatforms_project Marine Microbes Project (MM)
biotic_relationship Host associated
bleaching (%) 10.0
bleaching_meth meth_1.13
coastal_id BH_ER_050417_3
collection_date 2017-04-05T03:30:00
contextual_data_submission_date 2017-09-27
data_generated 2017-12-06
data_type 16S
date_of_transfer 2017-12-06
depth (m) 1.0
depth_lower (m) 1.0
depth_upper (m) 1.0
description MM
dilution_used neat
env_broad_scale -9999
env_local_scale -9999
env_medium Sea water [ENVO_00002149]
flow_id BJT3V
folder_name 20171206_UNSW_BPA_MM_BJT3V
fouling (%) 10.0
fouling_meth meth_1.13
funding_agency -9999
general_env_feature -9999
geo_loc_name Australia:Port Jackson [GAZ_00045322]
grazing (%) 10.0
grazing_meth meth_1.13
grazing_number (individuals/m2) -9999.0
host_abundance (individuals/m2) 58.0
host_abundance_meth meth_1.13
host_abundance_seaweed_mean (individuals/m2) 11.6
host_abundance_seaweed_mean_meth meth_1.13
host_length (cm) 58.0
host_length_meth meth_1.13
host_state Bleaching
host_type Seaweed
information light out: PAR (from PAM) values out of the water; light in: at depth recorded. host state / condition: 4 categories: D=discoloured; Bl = bleached; Bo= blotches; F=fouled. Percentages % of thallus D;Bl;F or Grazed; 5 categories: 1=<10; 2=10-25; 3=25-50; 4=50-75; 5=>75. touching: 2 categories: Y=yes; N=no. Densities were quantified at each site at first sampling time; n=10 quadrats (50x50cm); adults and recruits recorded. PAM: maximum quantum yield.
lat_lon (decimal_degrees) -33.847209 151.198361
latitude (decimal_degrees) -33.847209
longitude (decimal_degrees) 151.198361
mm_amplicon_linkage BJT3V
ncbi_bioproject_accession PRJNA385736
ncbi_biosample_accession SAMN08954251
nucl_acid_ext meth_3.1.5
omics Genomics
pam_fluorometer 798.0
pam_fluorometer_meth meth_2.19
pass_fail P
read_length 300bp
reads 46410.0
samp_collect_device meth_1.13
samp_mat_process meth_1.13
sample_attribution -9999
sample_database_file AM_db_v4.2_202408091431.db
sample_extraction_id 57886_1
sample_id 102.100.100/57886
sample_metadata_ingest_date 2024-06-21 15:30:54
sample_metadata_ingest_file coastalMM_Seaweed_TT_source_docs_curated_20240620_FullREPLACE_xlsx
sample_site_location_description Balls Head
sample_submission_date 2017-12-06
sample_submitter Jessica Taylor
sample_type Seaweed
source_mat_id 102.100.100/57886
specific_host Ecklonia radiata [NCBI:txid309355]
store_cond meth_1.13
submitter Jessica Taylor
target 16S
ticket BPAOPS-425
touching_organisms kelp
utc_date_sampled 2017-04-05
utc_time_sampled 03:30:00
work_order 20015