Murray River turtle, Reference Genome, ONT-promethion, liver

Chelidae, Emydura macquarii, AA062704, turtle, Project Lead: Arthur Georges

Dataset size is: 744.73 GiB

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Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:ausarg-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2022-07-16
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type ONT-promethion
analysis_software MinKNOW Core, Bream, Guppy
analysis_software_version MinKNOW Core 4.0.5, Bream 6.0.10, Guppy 4.0.11
class Reptilia
common_name Murray River turtle
data_context Reference Genome
data_custodian Arthur Georges
data_type ONT-promethion
dataset_id 102.100.100/351770
dataset_url not sure of the order of the datasets
date_of_transfer 2021-07-16
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2021-07-17
description PromethION
experimental_design ONT PromethION
facility RamaciottiGarvan
facility_sample_id PUXP140363
family Chelidae
fast5_compression zlib
flowcell_id PAG86924
flowcell_type FLO-PRO002
folder_name 20210714_PAG86924_AusARG_RamaciottiGarvan_350823
genus Emydura
library_construction_protocol SQK-RAD004
library_id 102.100.100/350823
library_location Garvan Institute of Medical Research
library_prep_date 2021-06-16
library_prepared_by Jillian Hammond
library_source GENOMIC
library_strategy WGS
metadata_revision_date 2024-01-25
metadata_revision_filename AusARG_Metadata_master_QCIF_20240125_FORDATAPORTAL.xlsx
model_base_caller High-accuracy basecalling
order Testudines
phylum Chordata
project_aim Reference genome
sample_custodian Arthur Georges
sample_id 102.100.100/349814
sequencing_facility Ramaciotti/Garvan
sequencing_model PromethION
sequencing_platform OXFORD_NANOPORE
species macquarii
specimen_id AA062704
subspecies NA
taxon_id 90392
taxonomic_group turtle
ticket BPAOPS-1111
tissue_number AA062712
tissue_type liver
voucher_or_tissue_number AA062712