Narrow-headed whipsnake, Phylogenomics, Illumina Capture, unknown

Elapidae, Demansia angusticeps, WAM R168487, Elapidae, Project Lead: Scott Keogh

Dataset size is: 3.68 GiB

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:ausarg-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2025-05-03
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type Illumina Capture
access_rights No restrictions
ala_specimen_url 43d1a67a-7962-4e27-a662-2f19161d16d4
analysis_software Bcl2Fastq
ancillary_notes NA
associated_media NA
barcode_id NA
certainty NA
class Reptilia
collection_date 2009-03-16
collection_method funnel trap
collector RJ Teale | G Harold
collector_sample_id unknown
common_name Narrow-headed whipsnake
country Australia
data_context Phylogenomics
data_custodian Scott Keogh
data_type Illumina Capture
dataset_id 102.100.100/351864
date_of_transfer 2024-05-03
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2024-05-07
decimal_latitude_public -17.4622
decimal_longitude_public 122.1525
description Short reads
dna_treatment 5 Bioruptor cycles
experimental_design Capture probes
facility BRF
family Elapidae
file_type FASTQ
flowcell_id 222VTMLT1
flowcell_type Novaseq X
folder_name 20240305_AusARG_BRF_222VTMLT1
genotypic_sex not determined
genus Demansia
habitat unknown
identified_by G Harold
insert_size_range 150bp PE
institution_name Western Australian Museum
latitude -17.4622
library_comments NA
library_construction_protocol NEXTFLEX_2.0_RapidDNASeq
library_id 102.100.100/455469
library_index_id p7_UDI_1053
library_index_id_dual p5_UDI_1053
library_index_seq CCAAGCATAG
library_index_seq_dual TGTGTAGGCG
library_layout paired end
library_location EBL Freezer
library_ng_ul 18.8
library_pcr_cycles 9
library_pcr_reps 4
library_prep_date 2024-03-28
library_prepared_by Liz Broady
library_selection Hybrid Selection
library_source GENOMIC
library_strategy Targeted-Capture
library_type Exon Capture
lifestage adult
location_text Coulomb
longitude 122.1525
material_conc_ng_ul 117.0
material_extracted_by Liz Broady
material_extraction_date 2023-03-03
material_extraction_method Macherey-Nagel Plate Extraction Kit
material_extraction_type DNA
metadata_revision_date 2024-05-22
metadata_revision_filename AusARG_Metadata_master_QCIF_20240522_FORDATAPORTAL.xlsx
method_of_determination NA
n_libraries_pooled 192
order Squamata
phenotypic_sex female
phylum Chordata
prior_genetics unknown
project_aim Phylogenomics
sample_custodian Scott Keogh
sample_id 102.100.100/453988
sample_quality unknown
sequencing_facility Biomolecular Research Facility - ANU
sequencing_kit_chemistry_version 300 cycles
sequencing_model NovaSeq X
sequencing_platform Illumina
source_population NA
species angusticeps
species_name Demansia angusticeps
specimen_id WAM R168487
specimen_id_description Western Australian Museum
state_or_region Western Australia
subspecies NA
taxon_id 3047308
taxonomic_group Elapidae
ticket BPAOPS-1578
tissue_collection Western Australian Museum Herpetology Collection
tissue_number R168487
tissue_preservation ethanol
tissue_type unknown
type_status NA
voucher_or_tissue_number R168487
wild_captive wild
work_order 13078