Sepsis Genomics Pacbio 25788

ARP Genomics Pacbio Raw Data: Streptococcus pneumoniae 180/2 THY broth Replicate 1

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Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member
Sequence Data Type pacbio-clr
analytical_facility Ramaciotti
archive_ingestion_date 2016-09-12
cell_position B01
contact_researcher James Paton/Claudia Trappetti
contextual_data_submission_date 2016-04-26
culture_collection_date 1989-07-28
data_generated True
data_type Main dataset
experimental_replicate 1
experimental_sample_preparation_method Qiagen kit with 100/G genomic tip
gram_stain POS
growth_condition_media THY broth
growth_condition_notes THY broth (recommend using filtered not autoclaved broth as some of the strains don't seem to grow when media has been overheated). If pelleting, serotype 3 forms large loose pellets compared to other pneumococci due to slimy capsule so they may need to be spun longer. Can be difficult to remove all media, therefore PBS wash is sometimes carried out.
growth_condition_temperature 37.0
growth_condition_time_(h) No shaking, grow daytime
growth_media THY broth
host_location South Australia, Australia (Adelaide)
insert_size_range 15-50kb
isolation_source Ear
key_virulence_genes Unknown
library_construction_protocol 20kb template prep_blue pippin
omics Genomics
publication_reference Infect Immun. 81(2):505-13 (2013)
replicate 1
rs_version RS Remote v2.3
sample_id 102.100.100/25788
sample_submission_date 2016-06-07
sequencer PacBio RSII
sequencer_run_id m160815_112904_42272
serovar 3
smrt_cell_id c101035772550000001823252711171631
strain_description ST180
strain_or_isolate 180/2
taxon_or_organism Streptococcus pneumoniae
ticket BPAOPS-2
work_order Work order 3