Australian Microbiome Amplicons 18S 102.100.100/401041 K77V8

LakeMacquarie_FennellBay4, 18S MiSeq

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:90:am-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2022-07-28
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-amplicons
Related Data doi:10.25953/vp5c-pk95
absorbance_260_280_ratio_submitter 0.873
absorbance_260_280_ratio_submitter_meth meth_NanoPhotometer NP80
am_environment Marine
amplicon 18S
analysis_software MiSeq Reporter
analytical_platform MiSeq
bioplatforms_dataset_id 102.100.100/401931
bioplatforms_project Australian Microbiome Initiative (AM)
bioplatforms_project_code AM0015
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1240
collection_date 2020-11-01T08:00:00
comments 401041_18S_K77V8_ATCTCAGG-CTCTCTAT
data_type 18S
dataset_id 102.100.100/401931
date_of_transfer 2022-04-29
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2022-05-03
depth (m) 0.0
depth_lower (m) 0.01
depth_upper (m) 0.0
description MiSeq data package
dilution_used Neat
dna_concentration_submitter (ng/μL) 2.4
dna_concentration_submitter_meth meth_NanoPhotometer NP80
env_broad_scale 6 Water
env_local_scale 6.6 Estuary/coastal waters
env_medium Sediment [ENVO_00002007]
fine_sediment (%) 6.6908421206
fine_sediment_meth meth_1. Transfer sediments into pre-weighed labelled aluminium trays. 2. Place in drying oven at 60°C for 24hrs. 3. Using a sediment shaker for 1 min; shake sample through 4mm; 2mm; 1mm; 500um; 250um; 125um and 63um size sieves. 4. Transfer sediments retained on each sieve into pre-weighed weighing boats. 5. Weigh each fraction and calculate % fines.
flow_id K77V8
folder_name 20220429_AM_18S_UNSW_K77V8
funding_agency Australian Microbiome Initiative
general_env_feature Coastal (coastal terrestrial including cliff; rocky shore)
geo_loc_name Australia:New South Wales [GAZ_00002793]
lat_lon (decimal_degrees) -32.994878 151.600376
latitude (decimal_degrees) -32.994878
longitude (decimal_degrees) 151.600376
nucl_acid_ext Qiagen PowerSoil Kit
omics Genomics
org_matter (%) 1.1920884197
org_matter_meth meth_1. Transfer sediment to pre-weighed labelled aluminium tray. 2. Dry in oven at 60°C for 24hrs. 3. Grind to a fine powder using a mixing mill (MM200). 4. Place samples in pre-weighed labelled crucibles and transfer to muffle furnace at 105°C for 24 hrs. 5. Remove samples; allow to cool and weigh. 6.Return crucibles to muffle furnace at 430°C for a further 24 hours. 7. Remove samples; cool and weigh. Calculate % organic matter.
pass_fail WK
pcr_plate_name SUZ9963_18S4_P1_SetA
reads 38424.0
samp_collect_device meth_Sterile 15ml tube
samp_mat_process Samples frozen at -80°C until DNA extraction. For DNA extraction samples were defrosted and a spatula (sterilised with 10% bleach) was used to weigh 0.25g of sediment into bead beating tubes.
sample_attribution Alessandra Suzzi
sample_database_file AM_db_v4.2_202408091431.db
sample_id 102.100.100/401041
sample_metadata_ingest_date 2024-02-01 13:24:34
sample_metadata_ingest_file AM0015Huggett_Sample_Submission_sheet_20210916_schema_v3_vocab_2_0_3_SUZ9963_edited2_xlsx
sample_site_location_description LakeMacquarie_FennellBay4
sample_submitter Alessandra Suzzi
sample_type Sediment
sequencing_facility Ramaciotti
source_mat_id 102.100.100/401041
store_cond frozen (-80°)
target 18S
temp (degC) 23.02
temp_meth meth_Horiba U-50 water quality meter
ticket BPAOPS-1240
utc_date_sampled 2020-11-01
utc_time_sampled 08:00:00
vegetation_type Seagrass bed/meadow