Australian Microbiome Amplicons 16S 102.100.100/403001 L796K

Maria Island, 16S MiSeq

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:90:am-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2023-11-19
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-amplicons
alkalinity (μmol/kg) 2319.39
alkalinity_meth meth_2.2
am_environment Marine
ammonium (μmol/L) 1e-10
ammonium_meth meth_2.2
amplicon 16S
analysis_software MiSeq Reporter
analytical_platform MiSeq
biotic_relationship Free-living
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1462
collection_date 2021-12-14T22:35:00
comments 403001_16S_L796K_CCTCGTTC-CTAGTATG
data_type 16S
date_of_transfer 2023-08-21
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2023-08-22
depth (m) 50.0
depth_lower (m) 50.0
depth_upper (m) 50.0
description MiSeq data package
dilution_used neat
env_broad_scale 7 Other
env_local_scale 7.2.1 Open ocean water-conservation
env_medium Sea water [ENVO_00002149]
flow_id L796K
folder_name 230731_AM_16S_UNSW_L796K
funding_agency IMOS|CSIRO
general_env_feature Marine - neritic (coastal off shore)
geo_loc_name Australia:Tasman Sea coastal waters of continental Australia [GAZ_00143737]
imos_site_code NRSMAI
lat_lon (decimal_degrees) -42.5967 148.2333
latitude (decimal_degrees) -42.5967
longitude (decimal_degrees) 148.2333
nitrate (μmol/L) 7.9
nitrate_meth meth_2.2
nitrite (μmol/L) 0.35
nitrite_meth meth_2.2
nrs_sample_code MAI20211214_50
nrs_trip_code MAI20211214
nucl_acid_ext meth_3.1.9
omics Genomics
oxygen (μmol/L) 224.7
oxygen_meth meth_2.2
pass_fail P
phosphate (μmol/L) 0.61
phosphate_meth meth_2.2
picoeukaryotes (cells/mL) 5834.5
picoeukaryotes_meth meth_2.2
prochlorococcus (cells/mL) 379.5
prochlorococcus_meth meth_2.2
reads 133050.0
salinity_lab (PSU) 35.279
salinity_lab_meth meth_2.2
samp_collect_device meth_1.4
samp_mat_process meth_1.4
sample_attribution IMOS|CSIRO
sample_database_file AM_db_v4.2_202408091431.db
sample_id 102.100.100/403001
sample_metadata_ingest_date 2024-02-09 12:24:08
sample_metadata_ingest_file AODN_AM_NRS_202402081638_GOLD_xlsx
sample_site_location_description Maria Island
sample_submitter Jodie van de Kamp []
sample_type Pelagic
secchi_depth (m) 13.0
secchi_depth_meth meth_2.2
sequencing_facility Ramaciotti
silicate (μmol/L) 2.8
silicate_meth meth_2.2
source_mat_id 102.100.100/403001
store_cond meth_1.4
synechococcus (cells/mL) 6529.0
synechococcus_meth meth_2.2
target 16S
ticket BPAOPS-1462
total_co2 (μmol/kg) 2117.42
total_co2_meth meth_2.2
utc_date_sampled 2021-12-14
utc_time_sampled 22:35:00
zooplankton_biomass (mg/m3) 26.579
zooplankton_biomass_meth meth_2.2int