Australian Microbiome Amplicons 16S 102.100.100/138359 J7C52

NE3NEAR, 16S MiSeq

Dataset size is: 63.06 MiB

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:90:am-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2020-09-08
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-amplicons
Related Data doi:10.25953/sgfe-8838
am_environment Soil
ammonium_nitrogen_wt (mg/kg) 3.0
ammonium_nitrogen_wt_meth meth_2.1
amplicon 16S
analysis_software MiSeq Reporter
analytical_platform MiSeq
bioplatforms_dataset_id 102.100.100/401933
bioplatforms_project Australian Microbiome Initiative (AM)
bioplatforms_project_code AM0017
biotic_relationship Free-living
boron_hot_cacl2 (mg/kg) 0.36
boron_hot_cacl2_meth meth_2.1
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-913
clay (%) 9.19
clay_meth meth_2.1
coarse_sand (%) 63.03
coarse_sand_meth meth_2.1
collection_date 2019-10-15T03:00:00
color GRBR
comments 138359_16S_J7C52_TCTAGCGT-ACGCGTGA
conductivity (dS/m) 0.025
conductivity_meth meth_2.1
data_type 16S
dataset_id 102.100.100/401933
date_of_transfer 2020-06-10
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2020-06-16
depth (m) 0.2
depth_lower (m) 0.3
depth_upper (m) 0.2
description MiSeq data package
dilution_used neat
dtpa_copper (mg/kg) 0.47
dtpa_copper_meth meth_2.1
dtpa_iron (mg/kg) 32.7
dtpa_iron_meth meth_2.1
dtpa_manganese (mg/kg) 2.37
dtpa_manganese_meth meth_2.1
dtpa_zinc (mg/kg) 0.34
dtpa_zinc_meth meth_2.1
elev (m) 308.0
env_broad_scale 1 Conservation and Natural Environments
env_local_scale 1.3 Other minimal use
env_medium Soil [ENVO_00001998]
exc_aluminium (meq/100g) 0.12
exc_aluminium_meth meth_2.1
exc_calcium (meq/100g) 4.19
exc_calcium_meth meth_2.1
exc_magnesium (meq/100g) 0.97
exc_magnesium_meth meth_2.1
exc_potassium (meq/100g) 0.13
exc_potassium_meth meth_2.1
exc_sodium (meq/100g) 0.12
exc_sodium_meth meth_2.1
fine_sand (%) 22.65
fine_sand_meth meth_2.1
flow_id J7C52
folder_name 20200610_AM_16S_UNSW_J7C52
funding_agency DBCA/Industry
general_env_feature Temperate
geo_loc_name Australia:Western Australia [GAZ_00002789]
gravel (%) 55-60
gravel_meth meth_2.1
horizon A horizon
lat_lon (decimal_degrees) -32.9227 116.46573
latitude (decimal_degrees) -32.9227
local_class Chromosol
local_class_meth meth_2.27
longitude (decimal_degrees) 116.46573
nitrate_nitrogen (mg/kg) 1e-10
nitrate_nitrogen_meth meth_2.1
nucl_acid_ext meth_3.1.1
omics Genomics
organic_carbon (%) 1.94
organic_carbon_meth meth_2.1
pass_fail P
ph 5.1
ph_meth meth_2.1
ph_solid_h2o 6.4
ph_solid_h2o_meth meth_2.1
phosphorus_colwell (mg/kg) 3.0
phosphorus_colwell_meth meth_2.1
potassium_colwell (mg/kg) 58.0
potassium_colwell_meth meth_2.1
reads 130480.0
samp_collect_device meth_1.1
sample_attribution Siegy Krauss
sample_database_file AM_db_v4.2_202408091431.db
sample_id 102.100.100/138359
sample_metadata_ingest_date 2021-04-23 11:13:31
sample_metadata_ingest_file AM_ContextualMetadata_AM0017_Krauss_New_submit_sheet_FILLED_xlsx
sample_metadata_update_history soil_types_20210420_xlsx; SOIL_local_class_meth_UPDATE_xlsx; AM_add_meth_for_ALL_DB_UPDATE_xlsx; Soil_profile_horizon_NCBI_format_curate_UPDATE_xlsx;
sample_site_location_description NE3NEAR
sample_submitter Siegy Krauss
sample_type Soil
sand (%) 85.68
sand_meth meth_2.1
sequencing_facility Ramaciotti
silt (%) 5.13
silt_meth meth_2.1
source_mat_id 102.100.100/138359
store_cond frozen
sulphur (mg/kg) 3.6
sulphur_meth meth_2.1
target 16S
temp (degC) 15.0
texture 2.0
texture_meth meth_2.1
ticket BPAOPS-913
utc_date_sampled 2019-10-15
utc_time_sampled 03:00:00
vegetation_type Forest