Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 29, 2016
Metadata last updated November 25, 2024
Created July 29, 2016
Format FASTQ
License CC-BY-4.0-AU
File size2.7G
Index number3
Lane number3
Note{ "row": 46, "file_name": "Wheat_pathogens_genomic_metadata.xlsx", "bpa_id": "", "official_variety": "34881", "kingdom": "Bacteria", "phylum": "Proteobacteria", "species": "Pseudomonas sp", "sample_id": 34881.0, "other_id": "BRIP34881a", "original_source_host_species": "Hordeum vulgare", "collection_date": 26196.0, "collection_location": "Hermitage Research Station, Warwich, QLD", "wheat_pathogenicity": "High", "contact_scientist": "Donald Gardiner", "sample_dna_source": "Liquid culture", "dna_extraction_protocol": "QIAgen Blood and Tissue kit", "library": "PE", "library_construction": 474.0, "library_construction_protocol": "Illumina TruSeq DNA Sample Preparation", "sequencer": "Illumina HiSeq 2000", "sample_label": "4250_3", "library_id": 34881.0, "index_number": null, "index_sequence": "TTAGGC", "run_number": 223.0, "flow_cell_id": "D0W52ACXX", "lane_number": null, "qc_software": null, "sequence_filename": "13699_D0W52ACXX_TTAGGC_L003_R1.fastq.gz", "sequence_filetype": null, "md5_checksum": "616d5f7fcb0c3726f3176866c7259434", "file_size": "2.7G", "analysis_performed": "assembled and annotated", "genbank_project": "", "locus_tag": "", "genome_analysis": "", "metdata_file": "34881-metadata.txt" }
On same domainTrue
Package id102.100.100.13699
Resource typewheat-pathogens
Run index number3
Run lane number3
Run number223
Run protocolIllumina TruSeq DNA Sample Preparation
Run protocol base pairs474
Run protocol library typePE
S3etag 8388608e0155dbaf4be3a8570fc1fc2301ed435-345
SequencerIllumina HiSeq 2000
Size2.6 GiB
Url typeupload
MD5 616d5f7fcb0c3726f3176866c7259434
SHA256 9a5ebdee4015ee7e15b4019af6aa05e334ebb5b86247eea484a204756e2b8149
File size (bytes) 2893948375
S3 E-Tag (8MB multipart) e0155dbaf4be3a8570fc1fc2301ed435-345
S3 E-Tag (16MB multipart)
S3 E-Tag (32MB multipart)
S3 E-Tag (64MB multipart)
S3 E-Tag (128MB multipart)
S3 E-Tag Verified At
file_size 2.7G
flowcell D0W52ACXX
index_number 3.0
lane_number 3.0
resource_type wheat-pathogens
run_index_number 3.0
run_lane_number 3.0
run_number 223.0
run_protocol Illumina TruSeq DNA Sample Preparation
run_protocol_base_pairs 474.0
run_protocol_library_type PE
sequencer Illumina HiSeq 2000